- -25%

each tablet contains: Dianabol Methandienone 20mg
Product Type: ORALS
Composition each tablet contains: Methandienone 20mg
Presentation: pink 20mg tablets, 50 tablets resealable foil pouch
Storage: Keep out of the reach of children; protect fromlight; store in a cool dry place; do not refrigerate
Manufacturedby: Hygene Anabolic
Product Description:
D – Bolic is an orally applicable steroid with a great effect on proteinmetabolism. Methandienone is a derivative of testosterone and has a very stronganabolic and androgenic properties. It has a great effect on protein metabolismand promotes protein synthesis. This effect manifests itself in by creating apositive nitrogen balance, supporting the builidup of protein and, thus,skeletal muscle mass. Methandienone also induces an improved sense ofwell-being.