Without a doubt, LGD 4033 ( Ligandrol ) SARM is the strongest, most potent SARM ever developed to the public. The benefits are what every bodybuilder and serious athlete needs: Increased muscle mass, overall loss in body fat, improved sense of well-being, and enhanced libido. Many researchers are predicting that the active ingredient in LGD may soon replace therapeutic hormone treatment due to the cost to benefit ratio being more satisfactory. In short, all of the benefits, without a majority of the risks. LGD is very stackable making it an excellent base compound in any stack you put together. Cutting, bulking, re-comping.
The king of SARMS demonstrates advanced anabolic activity in muscles and bones and a robust selectivity for muscle and bone versus prostate and sebaceous glands. When used while bulking, LGD has shown the most ability of any SARM to put on size that could be considered a bulk. This will be dependent upon the diet used, however, users can experience upwards of 8-12lb while increasing calories throughout incorporation of LGD. A recommend dosage for this type of goal would be 6 to 9 mg day for 4 weeks.
With LGD many have seen an increase in lean body mass and a decrease in body fat. Ran in conjunction with other SARMs, like MK677 & Cardarine for example , will only increase the likelihood of a stronger body re-composition. Recommended doses for re-comping would be 6-9 mg a day for 4 weeks.
Looking for a sick cutting stack? LGD pairs well with Ostarine and any good Fatburner . A good dose for this method would be 6 to 9 mg a day for 4 weeks. As with any cut, results will vary on diet and exercise program.
Recent studies and logs showed that LGD was non-toxic. The suppression is dose dependent, but we have seen a decrease in both total and free testosterone, as well as SHBG. Showing no significant decrease in LH or FSH, LGD COMPLETE is very encouraging to users. Although suppressive, recovery time is not as long as anabolic steroids.
Using a full cycle of PCT is recommended after a cycle of LGD . While it may not be quite as suppressive as anabolic steroids the suppression is much higher than other SARMs, thus, requiring a full PCT.
In summary, LGD effects are similar to anabolic steroids with size and strength. Minimal side-effects and excellent for re-comping; prevents muscle wasting, and works well as a stand-alone or stacked with other SARMs and Alphaform Labs Products.