Global Fast Tracked Shipping | Loyalty Program Perks | 5% Discount on a First Order

All orders are normally sent by tracked mail. For domestic orders, delivery takes 2-4 days. International orders are sent by air mail, with delivery typically taking 4-7 days.

Shipping starts at £8.99 and depending on your location, can be £19.99 flat fee.

We accept credit cards through following websites, which allow you to use your card to transfer us Bitcoin (BTC). We'll send Bitcoin request link after order is made.

The easiest way you can buy bitcoins directly with your debit or credit card. Click on following links for more details:

  • CASH APP (Credit Card, Debit Card)
  • BRD WALLET (Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Transfers)
  • Pay with (PayPal-like service, pay with your Credit or Debit card)
  • Coinbase (Bank Transfers. Credit and Debit Card may Require Bank Authorization)
  • BlockChain (Credit Card, Debit Card)
  • Bitcoin ATM's (Credit Card, Debit Card)