Global Fast Tracked Shipping | Loyalty Program Perks | 5% Discount on a First Order

How to place an order?

The ordering process is similar to that of many popular online stores.

Simply follow these steps:

1. Add Products to Cart: Click the 'Add to Cart' button next to the desired product.

2. View Cart: Navigate to the cart located in the top menu bar.

3. Review Cart Contents: In the cart, review all added products, their quantities, and the total (inclusive of shipping fees* and applied discounts). If you have a promo code, apply it in the dedicated field**.

4. Enter Personal Details: Carefully provide your real name and address.

5. Continue and Confirm: Press 'Continue.' Review your details; add any extra information in the COMMENT field if needed. If everything is correct, press 'PLACE YOUR ORDER.'

6. You will receive all the payment information via email after we review the order.

I want to cancel my order.

If you've changed your mind, please go to your account (click on the top bar email address). On the left side, locate the 'My Orders' page, click on 'Details,' and on the next page, select 'Cancel.' Additionally, the order will be automatically canceled after 5 days if payment is not received. Please note that order cancellation is only possible if the status of your order is 'Awaiting Payment'. If you have already made your payment, please contact us as possible. Once we have handed the package to the carrier, canceling the order becomes impossible.

I want to change my order/ payment method / address.

For any modifications to the content of your order, you will need to place a new order. If your order is still in the 'Awaiting Payment' status, you can cancel it directly from the 'My Order Details' section on your account page. After canceling, you can easily re-add the same products to your cart with a single click on the same page and make any necessary adjustments to the content, address, and/or payment method. If you have already made the payment, please contact our Customer Support as soon as possible.

I have an error when placing my order.

To ensure the security of your data, we employ sophisticated web tools to safeguard your personal information. Sometimes, these tools may encounter issues interacting with your browser, device, VPN, or DNS settings. If you are unable to log in to our site, the initial troubleshooting steps involve attempting to log in from a different device or browser, adjusting VPN settings, or restarting your device. In many cases, these suggestions prove effective. However, if the problem persists, please contact our customer support for further assistance.

I want to reorder.

You can review your previous orders and reorder with a single click on the order details page, accessible in your account. Please note that, for safety reasons, we do not retain customer data, including previous orders, for more than 90 days.

I want to order bulk.

We offer discounts for large purchases. Additionally, choosing to pay with Bitcoin automatically grants you a discount.