Product Name: Sustanon 250mg
Manufacturer: Aspen
Active chemical substance: testosterone propionate 30 mg, 60mg felinpropinat testosterone, testosterone izocaproat 60 mg, Testosterone decanoate 100 mg
Sustanon 250mg by Aspen is a steroid injection in the form of oily solution. Contains four different testosterone esters, which have a synergistic effect. It is designed to act since the first administration over a long period of time. And fenilpropionat propionate esters are used immediately and the remaining are used more slowly, remaining active in the body for 2-3 weeks. This is an important advantage of testosterone enanthate or cipionat, exercising a much shorter and maintain testosterone levels in the blood less constant.
It has a high anabolic and androgenic activity pronounced. It is used in mass storage periods, bringing serious gains musuculara mass and strength. Although the flavor, that the nature of any testosterone-based steroid, harmful effects are more comfortable than with testosterone enanthate or cipionat. But this may be only a matter of time. With Sustanon, testosterone slowly accumulates in the blood and therefore side effects occur later.
A low dosage of Nolvadex or Proviron are indicated with the use of Sustanon.